

A Modern Scripture


Sunday2nd August 2020

Imbolc greetings to One and All. Imbolc is the festival at the midpoint between Yule (Midwinter Solstice) the longest night and shortest day (21st June/December - Southern/Northern Hemisphere) and the Spring Equinox, Ostara (21st September/March - Southern/Northern hemisphere) where night and day are of the same length.

Imbolc represents the return of the renewal of the year, spring being in sight and winter departing. It heralds the return of the Sun to warm and light the land, bringing with it the abundance of Spring. It is the festival of hope and renewal for the future.

Imbolc can also mean within the belly. Certainly looking around at home I see pregnant ewes and early lambs on the hillside accompanied by wee piglets, heralding the time of year.

The days are warming, even though the nights still hold their chill. The flowers have started to bloom, I see rosemary, wattle, gorse, heather, aloe, calendula, sweet viola, and dandelion in bloom, calling the bees to forage on nectar and pollen. It is with pleasure I have watch a flock of 30 or so Silver eyes flit from tree to tree and a small flock of goldfinches, eating seeds left within evening primrose seed heads.

Offerings for this time of year are gratitude and thanks for surviving the winter and coldest point of the year. Hope of the food and medicine gifts of the year. Taking the time to see the fertility of the land and growth, an abundance of food and medicine. Renewal of the land due to the growth of light from the Sun.

Offerings for oneself can be the gifts of self gratitude, love and growth. Focus on one’s ability to find abundance around oneself. Meditate on these themes and focus on gratitude for all that comes to you and the growth this also gifts to you. Take time to focus on the abundance around you in the here and now, pay heed to the environment you live in and the gifts it offers you and what you offer back in a gift of return and thanks.

Blessings can be given in preparing for the new year ahead, cleaning out the home – spring cleaning. This time of year is essential for gardens, now is the time to prepare the land for the growth of the new year. It is the time when preparations are made to grow seeds for the garden. To nurture crops and give thanks to the land for all she provides for us.

I seem to of fallen into the pattern of the year. I have spent the last week or so cleaning and decorating inside and now is my time to move back into the garden after its winter rest and help prepare it for spring. An activity that I will greatly enjoy.

I send Imbolc Blessing to you all. May the Sun’s rays dance with you and bless your very essence of being, bringing light, love and awakening into your souls.
Blessed Be xXx